Bertolak dari Temerloh pada 6:30pagi (selepas solat subuh). Breakfast di R&R Temerloh.
Pic below sunrise at Temerloh Bridge at Highway E8
Second pit stop detour left out of highway, to the Cheneh Petrol Station for refueling. Takut tak ada petrol stesen di Highway LPT2.
Third pit stop and change of driver at R&R Kijal. Rupanya ada Petron mini petrol stesen di sini.
Kami ke Perhentian pada 5/5/2018, lima hari sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum ke 14 (General Election GE14). Jadi meriahlah dengan poster-poster parti. Big billboard gambar Najib Razak terpampang di sepanjang highway LPT2 kedua-dua arah, setiap satu kilometer. Berapalah kos kempen dan poster ni?, berbilion!!. Meluat tengok, patutlah rakyat Terengganu menolak BN.Gambar bawah; Jambatan Kuala Besut.
Jeti Kuala Besut - Pintu ketibaan, dan Kaunter Tiket RM5.00 (warganegara) RM30 (foreigner), Caj Pemuliharaan Taman Laut.
Sampai di Kuala Besut pada jam 12:30 tengah hari. Semasa kereta kami berpusing2 mencari tempat parking, seorang lelaki bermotorsikal menegur: "Nak ke Perhentian ke?, dah ada ticket ke?".
Kami kata tak de, lalu dia mengajak ke pejabat pelancongannya - Aina Holidays Sdn. Bhd.
Bendera PAS dan BN. BN kalah! haha!. Rakyat mahu perubahan.

Harga tiket RM70 seorang pergi-balik. Sementara menunggu bot tiba, kami makan di gerai berhampiran jeti
Spray of sea water wet my shirtAbove speedboat pic by TheMalaysianTimes,
and below by BackPackingMalaysia
My first time in a high power speedboat. Although the weather was good, and no big waves, the ride was bumpy. Luckily I sat at the back near the captain, so I didn't feel that bad. I saw no one had seasick or vomiting.
Life jackets are provided enough for every passengers, mandatory to wear it.
Benteng batu penahan ombak di muara sungai besut
Sampai di Perhentian Kecil, kelihatan ramai snorkelers di Coral Point
Powerful mercury 150 hp outboard twin engines.
Our speedboat pilot/captain
Passengers to The Barat Resort Perhentian Besar disembark here. Floating jetty supported by blue water tight containers.
This photo of The Barat Perhentian Beach Resort is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Pic of Kampung Nelayan - below
Perhentian Island Floating Mosque at Fisherman Village.
This building was built in 2011, and named as the Ar-Rahman Mosque, in remembrance of Dr. Abdul. Rahman Mohktar, native of Perhentian Kecil. He was Besut State Assemblyman from 2008 to his sudden demise in 2013.
Perhentian Islands is about 20km (10.8 nautical mile) from Kuala Besut, the ride take less than 30 minutes.
Arrived at Perhentian Kecil Jetty @ 2pm, than check in at the Bubu Resort .
Jalan-jalan cari makan ;)
Jalan-jalan di Pantai Pasir Panjang (Long Beach), jom kita sewa kapal layar tu.
Stairs and boats
Fish-eyes view of the jetty, the Mimpi Hotel, and the Bubu Resort. New Divers practicing their skill under the jetty.
New boat pilot with a cigarette in lips.
Arrive at Kuala Besut Jetty around 2pm.
Kuala Besut - Gerbang Pelancongan Antarabangsa